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Liability Release

Behaviour in and around the training areas.

You must follow the guidelines of the trainers of Trailing Tails Instructor

Dogs must be on lead if not worked, unless the trainer gives consent that you can walk your dog off-lead in any area.

Please note to always be friendly and courteous with pedestrians and road users. You are required to wear a high vis vest or similar in public areas.

Trailing Tails does not take any responsibility for interference with the law or injuries while participating in the event/service.

If your dogs are to be left in the car or securely closed in while we are working other dogs it is the dog owner’s responsibility to make sure that the car has enough air circulation/flow and water is provided for the dog’s health and safety.

We cannot be held liable for any losses of any kind that arise from this contract or the provision of our services save for death or personal injury caused by negligence. This clause does not attempt to avoid any liability which cannot be excluded by law.



The terms and conditions are in effect immediately when signing up for any session offered by Trailing Tails Mantrailing.


1. Booking a session

You MUST complete a client information form before booking a place on a session.

Everyone MUST attend an introductory session prior to booking onto any further session. If you have attended an introductory session with a different Mantrailing UK instructor, please provide details of this when booking with Trailing Tails Mantrailing.

You will receive an email confirming your place on the course and details of how to pay. Payment must be made within 24 hours of confirmation or you will forfeit your place.

The booking is for one team consisting of one person and one dog. Second and subsequent dogs should be booked as another team unless you intend to rotate your dogs - permission must be obtained from Trailing Tails Mantrailing to do this.

The session information will state the number of trails per team offered at the session.

Trailing Tails Mantrailing can refuse a team if the client information form has not been completed fully.


2. The session

All sessions are advertised on a first come, first served basis and cannot be booked before they are advertised on the website. One spectator is allowed, please inform Trailing Tails Mantrailing of any spectator places ahead of the session.

The cancellation fee is 100%, unless the space can be taken by another team – Trailing Tails Mantrailing will advertise the space and let the client know accordingly.

In case the participant or the participant’s dog becomes ill, so that they cannot take part in the session, it is at the discretion of Trailing Tails Mantrailing to offer the chance to attend a future session. 

Trailing Tails Mantrailing may cancel a session for the following reasons:

  • If there is a weather warning in place

  • If the trailing area is deemed dangerous to dog and handler

  • If the venue cancels; if it is possible to switch the venue, clients will be informed

  • If the instructor falls ill or cannot hold the session for other reasons. 

In all the above Trailing Tails Mantrailing will offer the client the chance to pre-book an alternative session before it is made public on the website.


3. Taking part

All dogs will be required to wear a harness and long line during the trails. Extendable leads are NOT allowed.

Dogs should not arrive already in the harness unless this has been agreed with Trailing Tails Mantrailing prior to the session. They should be wearing a collar.

Clients must be wearing footwear and clothing suitable for trailing; please ask Trailing Tails Mantrailing if you are unsure what to wear.

The following items are NOT PERMITTED at any session under any circumstances: electric shock collars, prong or pinch collars or any other device that causes discomfort, pain or fear to the dog. Any equipment or handling that the trainer deems unacceptable will result in the client being asked to leave the session.




 4. General session behaviour

All clients MUST follow the guidelines of the instructor. Dogs must be on lead if not trailing.

Dogs are to be left in the owner’s car and safely secured while other dogs are working. It is the dog owner’s responsibility to make sure that the car has enough air circulation/flow and that water is provided for the dog’s health and safety.

If asked to wear a high-visibility jacket the client must do so. Trailing Tails Mantrailing does not take any responsibility for loss, injury or interference with the law while participating in the session.

5. The health of the dogs

Only healthy and fully vaccinated  (or titre tested) dogs can participate in the session that Trailing Tails Mantrailing is offering. All dogs are required to be wormed and flea treated regularly.

The participant must ensure that the dog is free of diseases. If a bitch comes into or is in season, Trailing Tails Mantrailing must be informed. If a dog falls ill shortly before or during a session, the instructor must be informed immediately to discuss further action and prevent a possible disease from spreading. 


6. Liability and insurance

Trailing Tails Mantrailing does not take ANY responsibility for ANY damage/harm done to person/s, dog/s or thing/s (e.g. buildings, cars, personal belongings etc.). You must be able to prove that your dog is insured if requested to do so.

The client is fully responsible for their own and their dog’s actions. Trailing Tails Mantrailing cannot be asked to take on any costs for damage or harm to you or your dog/s.

Trailing Tails Mantrailing does not take any responsibility in case of injury or death of your dog/s, other animals or yourself or third parties.

Trailing Tails Mantrailing takes all reasonable precautions within the structure of the trailing sessions to avoid injury resulting from dog bites. However, Trailing Tails Mantrailing accepts no responsibility for damage or injury resulting from dog bites occurring to clients or their dogs while attending sessions.  The Control of Dogs Act 1986 section 21 - "Liability of owner for damage by Dog" applies within the session and at private venues or public premises (rented from a third party or owned).

All instances of accident or injury must be reported to the instructor at the time they occur.

Trailing Tails Mantrailing cannot be held liable for any losses of any kind that arise from this contract or the provision of our services save for death or personal injury caused by negligence. This clause does not attempt to avoid any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

7. Length of the session

The session will be either 2 or 3 hours and comprise of 2 to 3 trails. This will be made clear on the booking form.

However, the instructor will make a decision on each individual team as to the physical and psychological capability of each dog. The instructor will act in the best interest of the dog and can therefore order a rest for a dog or put a halt on further training sessions.

If the client is late for the session, it is their own fault and the instructor will not stop/pause the session because of this. The client is not eligible to make up for any missed hours/days or get a reduction of cost because of such but Trailing Tails will endeavour to assist where possible.

9. Copyright

All the copyright is reserved by Trailing Tails Mantrailing. This includes - but is not limited to - material, videos, pictures, texts. Information in any form, provided during a session, in its original form or modified, can only be used/published with written consent from Trailing Tails Mantrailing. Publication of voice recordings and videos of any session by the client or others have to be permitted by Trailing Tails Mantrailing.


11. Pictures and videos

Trailing Tails Mantrailing reserves the right to take pictures and videos during a session. Every participant herewith agrees for these to be published on the website, social media or written form. Participants are not allowed to take pictures, videos, etc. without the consent of the other participants and Trailing Tails Mantrailing. Participants are NOT allowed to publish any pictures, videos, voice recordings, text, information gained in any way.

If you do not want to be filmed or photographed (or your dog), you need to let Trailing Tails Mantrailing know in writing. The owner allows and consents for their dog to be photographed, videotaped, and/or used in any media or advertising by Trailing Tails Mantrailing without prior approval. All such photographs and videos etc. are the property of York Mantrailing.


12. General

These Terms and Conditions have been authored to assist our clients in getting the most they can from training with Trailing Tails Mantrailing.

Our terms and conditions may change over time. The terms and conditions apply at time of booking. Revised terms and conditions apply to subsequent bookings.

By booking a session or attending a session run by Trailing Tails Mantrailing you agree to be bound by these terms and the

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